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اعتبار 1330
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کشور: لیگ:

استرالیا Prada Rabbits† - Away Match @ Telfer Gold's

The match with Telfer Gold today (30th of September 2011) ended in a draw. Though a depressing result for Therapists, both teams should be congratulated for the beautiful display of football throughout the whole game. Special mentions go to Oscar Cook, the keeper of Telfer Gold, who had some tremendous saves earning him "Man of the Match".
Despite the minor setback of a draw against a lower ranked team this game showed us what we needed to improve on. It is important for us to learn from this game and work on areas in which we can be better at.

بازدیدهای منحصر به فرد: 4
نمره ی بیانیه ی مطبوعاتی: ضعیف - معمولی - عالی