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Канада Ontario Alpha Particles - Nuclei News: Season 5, Edition 5: Alphas Bid Farewell to Two Star Strikers

The Ontario Alpha Particles will be hosting a festive evening on Sunday when the Alphas host Yoshi in the final game of the regular season. The match will be the final game in the uniform for several players, including many who have dawned the jersey many times. Also, the game will be the grand opening of the OAP player Hall of Fame which will be placed near the entrance of the stadium. With it's completion, two of the players bidding farewell will be inducted.

Alphas #9, Ethan Purdon, also known as Nine-Toes, got his transfer papers. While the destination is unknown, the team's leading goal scorer in franchise history is sad to see this day come. He lead the Alphas in goals in the first four seasons in franchise history, but couldn't crack the starting lineup this season due to a youth movement by OAP management.

"Obviously I'm devastated. It was a dream come true to play here. Something I'll never forget. Lots of great memories and friends were made here. Can't forget the fans either. This place will always be home. I'll miss everyone" said Purdon.

Also topping the transfer list is Jacob Hodge. Hodge leads the teams in goals this season and is second only to Purdon in career league goals scored. Hodge recently notched his 50th in league play, a terrific milestone for the 19 year old.

"Hodge was a tough decision. But when it comes down to it we have some quality youngsters on the rise. Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Well we've been middle-of-the-pack in I.1 for a couple seasons now, so it's time to make some changes. This may be something that hinders us in the short-term, but it certainly will help our franchise grow in the long run. We are sad to see Hodge go, but are hoping that his transfer not only allows a youngster to seize the opportunity to play in the big leagues, but also will help the club move forward in facility and stadium growth with the transfer sum" said canucks357.

"It all comes down to wins and losses. We have made great strides this season compared to last. Goals are up. Goals against are down. We've had a fantastic season. But each season it seems we are a few points short of where we need to be. I don't blame management for the decision. I respect they want to always win and get better - that's why I loved playing here. As Purdon said, this place will always be home. It's been an honour playing here and I'll greatly miss it" said Hodge.

While all in all 11 players will change teams on Monday, the real question remains on how the Alphas will finish the season and what it will mean for next year.

"Here's the scenario... there is a chance that we can participate once again in the Champions' League next season. It's a long shot, and we'd need some help, but there is a chance. If NKDJ win the Champions' League this season, if we beat Yoshi on Sunday and Loser Patrol lose their final game, we will be in. We are confident we can do our end of the deal, so it is literally a waiting game to see how things go with Loser Patrol on Sunday and if that works out in our favour, how NKDJ fare in the one game winner-take-all final of the Champions' League on Wednesday. Needless to say, Alpha fans may just be rooting for their perennial rivals and Canadian powerhouse" said canucks357.

Lastly, November was veterans month. The proceeds from the Alphas jerseys sold with a patch brought nearly 2 million dollars in for charity.

"The fans showed great support. We were so amazed that the team matched every dollar earned from the sale. And it'll go a long ways within our extended community" said canucks357. "It was also nice for once, to not be sabotaged. We've had issues before, not mentioning names, but I suspect it was because it was for a good cause. Maybe next time we won't be so lucky."

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