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  Notas de imprensa: I.1 (Inglaterra)

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Inglaterra FC SHAMMICKITE UNITED - long way to go yet
but that certainly helped

Inglaterra FC Barcelona "A" - Yesterday
Great match Yesterday! Congratulation to your victory and probably again to your title,now i will try to fight for second place:)

Inglaterra FC SHAMMICKITE UNITED - Respect
I have huge respect for you otecko, you and your team are The Goat but... You indicated that last year. I hope you're wrong again

Inglaterra FC Barcelona "A" - Title
Congratulation to manager p201926! Enjoy this tíme because it will never ever happened again :D i am back in this fight for title:)

Thank you Gunners FC, I can see you are blooding your youngsters well in friendlies. One to watch in the future. You wait 34 seasons for a title and then you get another straight away. Very grateful and always nice to beat the Royals to it.

Inglaterra Gunners f.c - Congratulations Shammickite
Congratulations to Shammickite for the defence of their title, it was a great season and was so close with Royal Hunters pushing all the way, can Shammickite make it a treble of titles next season or will Royals, Mayfair or Barcelona come through and take it, whatever happens I’m sure it will be another great season, good luck to all ????????

Inglaterra Gunners f.c - Happy Holiday's
Merry Christmas everyone, I hope you have a great one, but Remember there's still matches to be played, so no drinking to much lol.

Inglaterra FC Red`s - Congrats
So first I have to take a hat off for FC Shammickite United for his first English title, well done. Top 4 teams was far better then rest of the teams but I think in next season the fight for title and top 4 will be thought. Fc reds will be fighting in play off about to stay between best teams in England, but to be honest, manager expecting fight in second division for next season to get to his p...

Inglaterra FC SHAMMICKITE UNITED - Thank you
Thank you FC Gunners, my first title. Unlike the rest of the top 4-5 it has taken me 34 seasons to achieve my aim. For those of you outside the top 5 it can be done. I thought last year could've been it but FC Gunners stayed strong. Has Royal's grip been broken, I hope so.

Inglaterra Gunners f.c - Congratulations FC Shammickite United
A big congratulations to FC Shammickite United on their title win, very much deserved and a long time coming, well done to their manager and players who must be getting ready to party long into the night, also congratulations to Royal Hunters, my boys Gunners FC and also Mayfair for keeping the league interesting this season, I hope all teams will keep going in this difficult time we are in, and c...

Inglaterra FC Barcelona "A" - Good luck
Looks like you will be in top 5:) most important is to have academy at level 15...and training centre to:)

Inglaterra Gunners f.c - Time for a rebuild
Yes I thought I’d beat you by more to, but to be honest my players are getting old and yes your players are very young but have more energy than mine, I think I will finish this season and then stat to rebuild like you and FC Reds manager are doing, I just hope I finish in the top 5 this season ???????????? Good luck for the rest of the season, you are doing well so far.

Inglaterra FC Barcelona "A" - League
Yes its Truth it will be magic if any english will win EC...but you never know nothing is impossible:) Your last match against me..whats happened? I thought you will win 4:0,5:0...but 2:1??? Looks like i am getting stronger and stronger:)

Inglaterra Gunners f.c - Absolutely
Yes absolutely my friend, I think it would be amazing to see a team from the English league win a European cup, but unfortunately because of the size and lack of general sponsorship money, I don’t think any of us will ever be able to compete with the teams in Europe, but I certainly would love to see you or anyone of us win a European cup for sure, I hope one day it happens, good luck for the rest...

Inglaterra FC Barcelona "A" - Before
Oh yes you beat me many times but you played most time very high importance against me...i have been saving energie of my players because i wanted win more matches in european cups...my dream is the victory in any Euro-cup...