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  Notas de imprensa: I.1 (Inglaterra)

2 686 660 032
País: Liga:

Inglaterra Eboracum United† - Champions
The champagne corks are flying, and the van has been despatched across Yorkshire to pick the trophy up from Orcas. A sanitation team is on standby just in case. "Obsession finally paid off", said manager tensor, "And I don't know what they were doing with the team or any deposits in the trophy, but there are some things you just can not polish". Rumours that prize money was already allocat...

Inglaterra Obstinate Orcas† - Tensor 'obsessed' by I.1 glory
Obstinate Orcas manager Brylarke believes Eboracum Legionairres, who are six points clear at the top of the table, are “obsessed” with winning the I.1 championship. “It seems to be an obsession to win the league and that’s why he never shuts up about it,” said Brylarke. “The pressure might get to them.” He added - “It's all a bit redundant really as he was beaten to the trophy anyway, althou...

Inglaterra Eboracum United† - Squeeky bum time
6 games left, 6 points clear. Can we keep it going?