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Valsts: Līga:

Zviedrija Gnaget Allstars - PPM Game Engine - Att: Vlady

PPM's game engine is not healthy. Today I played my fifth straight 0-0 game.

Why does my team not score, we had 10 shots on goal and 43 shots off target. MANY more shots than my opponents in those five games. ZERO goals!

I have been scouting almost all players in a top three team in my league and his players are worse and are virtually untrained in the shot. Why are there more than ten placements between us in the league?

So if you Vlady would read this. Take care of the game and your users instead of spamming us with ways of making money. This could be a really good game. Do not destroy this. Then you will not earn any money.

Yes I'm a bit mad:)

Lasījumu skaits: 49
Izdevuma reitings: Vāji - Normāli - Lieliski

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