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کشور: لیگ:

انگلیس Leyton Orient FC† - The O's slipping to second spot

London, July 4th 2011 – It looks like the O’s are slipping in the division after losing over and over points in matches. After the recent 1-1 against a lower placed team, the team slipped to the second spot in the division. Manager Alexander Lowenhart was far from delighted with the slip up and has vowed to try to bring a different set up for the next games, starting with the friendly tonight. “It is bad, especially given we can handle this division pretty well. Look at our goal ratio, you are informed enough. But now we are on the wrong road and going down. Something is not right here and we will make changes starting today with immediate effect.”

The chances are that Alexander will try to change the team back to a 4-4-2 situation with the outside midfielders in a slightly offensive role. We will see if this will have a good effect or not; for all we know, is that the O’s must find their target again if they wish to have another go at promotion.

بازدیدهای منحصر به فرد: 3
نمره ی بیانیه ی مطبوعاتی: ضعیف - معمولی - عالی