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اعتبار 1330
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کشور: لیگ:

این بیانیه مطبوعاتی پاسخی برای بیانیه مطبوعاتی تیم کامرون REROLPLEX UNITED است: Motivation

کامرون OREGANOW.EN - More Advises

Hello guys me it's hydromanic and i agree totaly whith the ideas of my old friend Karl i would'nt have said better...i just want to add that you have to be carefull with the way that you spend money...you have to make the good choises in transferts. Don't just be focus on the total of competences, you have to very well analyse each competence...to not jump in the trap of those players that we often call in football : flops. And chose the best sponsors. Don't buy too much players and make sure you always win six times the montant that you lose. Develop your infrastructures to bring more good players in your academy and win more money playing at home.

بازدیدهای منحصر به فرد: 6
نمره ی بیانیه ی مطبوعاتی: ضعیف - معمولی - عالی

LOG: soccer_calendar