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اعتبار 1330
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کشور: لیگ:

آفریقای جنوبی Exterminate FC† - FC Soukra, Appreciation

The coming match between Log leader FC Soukra and My Exterminate will be a mouth watering clash. I wish him all the best as he is guaranteed promotions, I only hope I can join him and the only way to do that is by wining or drawing.

To the rest of the managers and teams good luck for the following season, I have enjoyed this league and i'm looking forward to the next. I have watched this league become stronger and competitive.

With that said I would like to thank my staff and players for all tehy have done promotion or not.

I encourage mangers to request more friendly games in order to develop and strengthen this league so come promotion time, the teams in this league can be competitive in the next.


بازدیدهای منحصر به فرد: 5
نمره ی بیانیه ی مطبوعاتی: ضعیف - معمولی - عالی

LOG: soccer_calendar