Darius-Gonbad† - The Club logo

It is considered the world's tallest brick all over the dirt hill is located approximately fifteen meters above the ground. The built in (397 AH to 375 AH Solar) and in the reign of Shams Almaly Qaboos bin Vushmgir and the capital of the kings of the land was in Jorjan, according Grdydhast.
Professor Arthur Pope also wrote about this building:
Alborz Mountains in the East and in the vast deserts of Asia, one of the greatest masterpieces of architecture in all its glory Afrashthast height. The dome of the tomb monument Qaboos Qaboos bin Vushmgir and tomb tower is innocent of any arrangement. Jngndhay the power of faith in the face of battle, the battle of his kingdom forever, if there is a tomb of such a huge and
I'm proud to say it is in my Town.))
The Real Club logo is a background image
that we know.
I love it.

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