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  بيانات صحفية

الدولة: الدوري:

هذا البيان الصحفي ردا علي البيان الخاص بفريق الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية Ssangyong United†: Team of the Season II.4 - Season 16

الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية Ssangyong United† - Team of the Season II.4 - Season 17

Welcome to the 10th Anniversary Edition of the Team of the Season Awards. To commemorate this occasion, we baked a cake, and you can’t have any of it. Srsly.

We’ve been doing this thing for so long that people actually *expect* us to do this, and we have evidently done a better job at this than the PPM experts have (at least according to the people attempting to flatter us). As always, this is our chance to recognize the people that PPM (*probably*) won't, and we've even added back the few extra awards, because the only thing with which people have disagreed was their untimely (but necessary) omission.

Rules: no SUFC players are to be selected for our team of the season report, no more than one player per team in any one category, currently active teams only, and disagreements are mandatory.

__Team of the Season II.4 - Season 17__

GK: Dom Kinder (Maniacal Minions)

RD: Nikolay Tonchev (Maniacal Minions)
CD: Ruimair Leão (Pballas)
CD: Tobiáš Kysela (Tottenham Spurs)
LB: Michal Líba (Admiral’s Fleet)

RM: Jeffrey Riggs (Tottenham Spurs)
CM: Sebastiano Ranzoni (Pballas)
CM: Tony Vincent (Maniacal Minions)
LM: Roman Michalczuk (Loverboys)

ST: Robert Wahlberg (Loverboys)
ST: Veikko Tuohino (Pballas)

__Special Team Awards - Season 17__

Leaky Bum Award (Most Goals Conceded): Radio Range Ottos Rangers
Squeaky Bum Award (Least Goals Conceded): Pballas

Sore Losers Award (Worst Discipline - RC = 2YC): Phoenixville United
Fair Play Award (Best Discipline): Admiral’s Fleet

Players’ Team Award (Best Team Assists): Pballas
Teams’ Players Award (Worst Team Assists): Phoenixville United

__Special Player Awards - Season 17__

"Where's the F***ing QB?" Award (Most Red Cards - TB: most SO): Traycho Anatkov (Pballas)

"Here's your F***ing QB!" Award (Best G + A): Robert Wahlberg (Loverboys)

المشاهدات: 12
تقييم البيان: ضعيف - عادي - ممتاز
فريق الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية Ssangyong United† قام بالرد علي هذا البيان الصحفي: Team of the Season II.4 - Season 18