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  بيانات صحفية

الدولة: الدوري:

الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية Bulls4ever FC† - Bulls4ever promoted to 2nd division

Bulls4ever's manager promised the team would promoted and he kept his promise; The teas was undefeated.

Bulls4ever had a historic season. Russ Donovan finished the season with over 100 goals and the team finished with top scorer, top assistant and top goalkeeper.

Assist Leader: 61 assists - Pankrác Drutarovský
Scorer Leader: 102 goals - Russ Donovan
Top Goalkeeper : 35 CS - Kristofers Mīkliņš

Also the team had 9 players on team of the season

GK - Kristofers Mīkliņš
DC - Raman Guliaeu
DC - Pavlo Klemenko
DR - Jiří Říčný
DL - Mikołaj Pawelec
CM - Alens Čeksters
RM - Pankrác Drutarovský
LM - Pavel Chernavin
CF - Russ Donovan

المشاهدات: 14
تقييم البيان: ضعيف - عادي - ممتاز

LOG: soccer_calendar